Component and Pattern library verifications ensure an error-free design environment from the very beginning. Importing libraries and 3D models from various formats adds even more engineering capabilities.
Besides, Pattern Editor module features a built-in tool – Pattern Generator – enabling automatic generation of footprints and 3D models according to the latest IPC-7351 Standard.

Pattern and Component Editors allow designing new components using custom templates, bulk pin naming, pad renumbering, and bus management instruments, which significantly increase the working speed.

Also here is a more in-depth (paid) course on PCB design using DipTrace. Here’s a video tutorial where I design a custom STM32 microcontroller board using DipTrace that you may find helpful. The standard library set already includes more than 160,000 components and 22,000+ patterns designed up to IPC-7351 Standard. The DipTrace pattern editor is for the creating PCB landing patterns for these new components. SMD / THT pads in PCB Layout design information. Your parts have now been successfully imported and are ready to use. DipTrace XML for PCB, Schematic, Component Editor and Pattern Editor. In the File Dialog, change to the Output Directory, select the. DipTrace is a powerful and intuitive piece of software aimed at professionals who want to create PCB layouts, design schematics, edit components and patterns. DipTrace is always up-to-date we continuously expand our component libraries and bring innovations directly to you. Run DipTrace Pattern Editor and select Library / Import / PADS ASCII (.d). DipTrace has 4 modules: Schematic Capture Editor, PCB Layout Editor with built-in shape-based autorouter and 3D Preview & Export, Component Editor, and Pattern Editor.